Summer Internship
The department of
Electronics sent three students, T.Snehitha,K.Ramyaand
Yasmeen Sultana from II B.Sc (MECs) for an internship programme of six weeks
duration from April 15th, 2015 to May 31st, 2015 at
Efftronics Systems Pvt.Ltd, Vijayawada.
e-wave 2016: Inter-Collegiate Competition
department of Electronics organized e-wave 2016 an Inter-Collegiate competition
on 23-01-2016. Competitions were held in paper presentations with topics Smart
Card Technology, Wearable Electronics and The Role of Electronics Industry in
Digital InadiaProgramme and poster presentations with topics Helio Displays and
Paper Battery. Students from our college and students from neighbouring
colleges took part in this event. The following students won the prizes.
First prize- R.DivyaSai (Andhra Loyola College)
Second prize-B.SamanvithaChowdary
(Maris Stella College)
First prize-M.S.R.S.Praneeth (K.B.N College)
Second prize- P.Tejitha (SDMS Kalasala)
Talk on carrer
a talk on “Career Guidance and Opportunities” for the final year B.Sc (MECs) students on
22.2.2016.The resource person Mr.N.Mallikarjun,R&D Project
Manger,Efftronics Systems Pvt.Ltd,Vijayawada spoke about the new technologies
used in the market and the various
opportunities for students in the field of electronics and in higher education.
National science day celebrations:
The Inspire and Bio
clubs of the college organized a discussion on “Contribution to Society”,
Physical Sciences vs. Life Sciences on 23.2.2016 on the eve of National Science
Day. Students from different science departments participated in this
discussion highlighting the major contributions of their respective subjects to
the society. The best two speakers from physical science and life science were
awarded prizes for the same. B.Samanvitha Chowdary of I.B.Sc (MECs) was awarded
the best speaker in physical science.

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